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We’ve put together some great suggestions to keep kids excited and captivated this summer.
The library is the perfect place to keep the kiddos entertained and let their imaginations run wild. There are lots of things to checkout at your local library. Whether in person activities, curbside pickup of your child’s favorite book, virtual summer reading programs, or digitally renting DVDs and e-books, there is something to occupy every kid!
Sometimes children are just bursting with too much energy… Seriously, where does it even come from? A quick little backyard obstacle course is great for those days when you just want to tire them out. And we’re not suggesting you build a Ninja Warrior level course on your property. (Unless you want to!) But simple things that you may already own like hula hoops, kiddie pools, jump ropes, or play tunnels make for a good start in transforming your backyard.
Do a quick internet search for some great local parks in your area! Whether it’s a new playground, spray park, nature center or dog park there are plenty of possibilities that will get your kids out of the house and burning off some energy.
You don’t need to be a master gardener to have some fun in the dirt with your kids. Not only can gardening engage all five senses, but it can teach your child patience and responsibility as your plant(s) grow! You don’t need to take up the whole yard either. A flower box, tomato plant in a five gallon bucket, or small herb garden will provide enjoyment for months.
When you need a few minutes to get something done, try an activity bucket! Just fill up a bucket with individual activities that you’re comfortable with letting kids do on their own such as running through the sprinkler, making chalk art, blowing bubbles, or building a fort in their bedroom. Whenever you need some space or time, bring out the bucket and let the kids choose an activity!
Pitching a tent in your backyard for the kids is a surefire way to entertain them for hours, if not days. Plus, it’s a lot less hassle, time, and money than traveling somewhere to camp. While children can easily entertain themselves in the tent, you can also set up activities like exploring your yard for local insects or plants, playing cards, or campfire stories!
If your kids are growing as fast as weeds, we can help! Stop by or shop online for the latest summer trends from The Plaid Giraffe.