Encouraging Kids to Practice Their Reading

by Elizabeth Lewis


Every kid should be reading books while growing up. Reading helps them build language, grammar and vocabulary, and is an essential building block for success in nearly every subject they'll be learning in school. However, learning to read takes time and is easily frustrating for slow learners. While kids may not want to practice, encouraging them to read is one of the best things a parent can do. So how do you push them to read? Here's our tips!


Make time to read to, or with your child every day.

Like building any other habit, consistent effort is important. Carving time out of each day to read with your child can help build a lifelong love for the activity. More importantly, it's encouraging a healthy habit for little ones still learning. Showing interest them own interest reading is great because it helps them to want to read too! Monkey see, monkey do! Speaking on monkeys, 10 Little Monkeys is a great book for toddlers. It's adorable and encourages counting!


Pick appropriate books for their reading level.

While it'd be great if your kids could start enjoying the same books you love too, but no one should be expecting their preschooler to begin with Harry Potter! You don’t want them to be discouraged with a book that is too advanced.

If you’re unsure what level to stat at when it comes to reading, pick something easy first! Great options to begin with are picture books and soft books, like Night Night Teddy or How to Hide a Moose.


Give them their own reading area.

It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, but imagine how much cooler reading sounds when kids get to go from the kitchen table to the reading fort! It doesn’t have to be every time, but incorporate play! There are no rules that say you can’t do your homework from the couch fort every once in a while! Or maybe you already have a spot in your house, like a special chair or play area that works for this as well.



Let them pick their own books.

When kids are allowed to pick our their own books, they're much more likely to be excited about hearing the story. The library is great place to find endless options and let kids explore book covers. You can also rely on us here at The Plaid Giraffe for great beginner's books! We carry lots of great picture books for the little ones like the Michigan classic M is for Mitten.


Patience pays off.

It takes some kiddos a longer time to catch on to reading than others, but don’t give up! Being consistent and letting your kids lead the way in their reading interests and in no time you’ll have a little bookworm! Good luck encouraging your little ones to read, and remember we have plenty of great books to choose from here at The Plaid Giraffe Children's Boutique.