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Learn to Love the Rain!

by Elizabeth Lewis

When kids are used to playing outside, rainy days can spoil their fun. But they don't have to be days you dread! Here are some tips for making the most of a rainy day outside.


Play Indoor Games

Board games are a great way to pass the time inside and stay off of screens for a little bit. Be sure to pick a game that’s age appropriate (watch out for little pieces!) and for extra fun what better spot to play a board game than in a pillow fort?


Play Pretend

Dress up in another great indoor activity! A rainy day is the perfect time to have a fashion show! It’s also a great jumping off point if you’re struggling to answer a whining “what should we play?”. And there are no wrong ways to pretend! Kids love to combine scenarios, so of course Princess Elsa would own a burger chain. Play along! We have a wonderful selection of dress up and play clothes!


Keep Busy in the Kitchen

A rainy day is a great time to try out a new cookie recipe, if you don’t mind having a little sous chef or two! Letting your kids help sometimes can make you want to pull your hair out, but not only is cooking a life skill, they’ll have a blast! If your little ones aren’t comfortable in the real kitchen, a play version is great too!


Dancing in the Rain

With the right gear, why stay inside? Grab a raincoat and maybe some matching boots and an umbrella and go out splashing! Your kids will love it, and you’re bound to have fun too! Just make sure to dry off when you get inside!

Find rainboots, umbrellas, and raincoats at The Plaid Giraffe!